Arabian Training & Safety Academy
CEO Message
Arabian Training & Safety Academy (ATSA) is a market leader in creating workplace competency. We provide vocational training and employment solutions to corporates in the Sultanate.
As a proficient skills assurance partner we design curriculum and programmes that incorporate an extensive range of bespoke and vocational technical training for Oman’s private and public sectors ATSA is 100% locally Owned Organization and accredited by Locally from Ministry of Higher Education with Grade “A”, Having Opal Gold Star, JSRS and many others….. From internationally we are accredited from City & Guild, Pearson, NPORS, and ASNT, High field, British Safety Council, ISO
9001-2015, Medic First Aid, American Heart Association & many more…
ATSA is specialized to deliver (HSE-Technical & Administration) short term & Long term courses.
ATSA is not limited for Trainings only, we have vast experience in Road Safety and we have 12 years
track record in Road Safety like (RAS Inspections, Load Safety Inspection, Road Survey, Spot check)-NDT Inspection (king Pin- Fifth wheel Inspection), Safety Devices (IVMS & Speed Limiter Installation) Design & Fixing Road safety Sign Boards.
ATSA is specialized in HSE & Electrical Consultant, to provide the extensive range solutions to the clients in respective fields. Also we are specialized in Fire Safety System (Inspection, Installation & Callibration) for all safety Items.